Authorities and Documents
The Arbitration Court shall consist of a Presidium, a Chairman, arbitrators and a Secretariat. There is an Arbitration College at AC, which consists of all the arbitrators.
The Presidium of the Arbitration Court shall consist of a Chairman of the Court and four members. They are elected by the Management Board of the non-profit association European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration for a period of five years. The Management Board may make changes to the Presidium during that period.
The Chairman shall be elected and dismissed by the Management Board of the non-profit association European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration for a period of five years. The Chairman shall have the following functions сonvened the Presidium of the court and the Arbitration College; Reports the activity of the court before the Arbitration College and the Management Board of the non-profit association European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration; Implement the decisions of the Presidium and the functions provided for in the Rules of the Arbitration Court. Report about the activities of the court to the Management Board on a quarterly basis; Initiates forums and events involving the court; The Arbitral Court may have Honorary Chairman, who is elected by the Management Board of the non-profit association European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration. The Chairman of the Arbitration Court represents the Court in the country and abroad.
The arbitrators shall be enrolled and removed from the lists of arbitrators by decision of the Presidium with a decision taken by a secret ballot. As arbitrators may be entered capable citizens of age, who have not been convicted of crimes, with university education. Can not be arbiters: MPs, ministers, deputy ministers, heads of departments, members of the Constitutional Court and other persons to whom a legal act is not permitted to be arbitrators.
The arbitrators shall be enrolled and removed from the lists of arbitrators by decision of the Presidium with a decision taken by a secret ballot. As arbitrators may be entered capable citizens of age, who have not been convicted of crimes, with university education. Can not be arbiters: MPs, ministers, deputy ministers, heads of departments, members of the Constitutional Court and other persons to whom a legal act is not permitted to be arbitrators.
The Office of the Arbitration Court shall consist of secretaries and other officers, appointed by MB of the Non-Profit Association “European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration” /EIMA /on the proposal of the Chairman of the Arbitration Court. The secretaries of the Arbitration Court shall organize and run the case files, keep up the correspondence of the court and perform those functions as assigned by the Rules issued by the Chairman.
Statute of the AC at EIMA
Tariff of Arbitration Charges and Expenses for Domestic Disputes Subject to Hearings by the ARBITRATION COURT at EIMA
Tariff of Аrbitration Charges and Expenses for International Disputes Subject to Hearings by the ARBITRATION COURT
Conciliation Rules of the ARBITRATION COURT at EIMA
The materials translated above are purely with a informational character. In case of differences in the meaning of the text, it is only the Bulgarian text shall prevail.