Art. 1. The Mediation Center to the Arbitration Court at EUROPEAN Institution for Mediation and Arbitration (AC EIMA) charges for a voluntary agreement by the conciliator, which is defined as follows:

a) on application in for the commencement of a process of voluntary agreement by the conciliator by the initiating party/ies/ shall insert an registration fee of 50 lv. It covers the administrative costs of the AC EIMA initial processing of the application for conciliation, the organizing of the preparatory actions before the conducting of the mediation, the preparing and sending of the covering letters with the documents and more.

b) a fee to use mediation – It covers the administrative costs of the Mediation Center for proceeding of the procedure for mediation, the reward and expenses of the mediator, the providing the the hall for reconciliation, the providing of additional technical resources for the preparation and printing of a possible agreement and more.

  1. Mediation fee is determined based on an hourly rate.
  2. Upon property interest disputes up to 20 000Levs, the amount of the fee for an hour mediation is 50 / fifty / Levs.
  3. Upon property interest disputes above 20 000 lv., the amount of the fee for an hour mediation is 80 (eighty) Levs.
  4. Upon property interest disputes with a very small or a significant property interest, with an extreme complexity of the legal and factual situation, the participation of more than one mediator, it is collected an additional charge of 50% of the fee for an hour mediation according to relevant property interest.

c)deposit for expenses – includes postal, courier and other costs of summonses and notices to parties serving papers for additional technical services such as copying, scanning, printing, translation, issuance of certificates, and more.

Art.2. The applicant shall submit with the application a registration fee of 50 Levs and a deposit for expenses in the amount of 50 Levs.

Art. 3 (1) Before initiating the mediation process, the parties must submit an initial mediation fee for two hours according to the relevant property interest no later than two days prior to the mediation. It includes the time for holding general meetings and individual meetings, which the mediator may schedule with the parties.

(2) After the first two hours mediation the mediator consults with the parties concerning the supposed hours that are required for successful completion of the mediation. The Parties pay in advance the fee for mediation according to so made assessment.If prepaid fee exceed the amount actually due, it shall be returned to the parties.

(3) After the completion of the conciliation proceedings, the unused amount of the deposit for expenses shall be returned to the party/ parties who paid them. The deposit for expenses covers all expenses of the Mediation Center which are made at any conciliating case.

(4) On exceeding the initial amount paid for expenses, the Secretariat informed the parties The mediator makes the cost estimates after consultation with the parties. The Parties pay so fixed costs after so made assessment not later than 24 hours before the next meeting in the registry of the AC EIMA.

Art. 4. Upon successful completion of the procedure with an Agreement, which will be reproduced in an arbitral award on agreed terms, the parties owe the arbitration charges of 50% of the arbitration charges referred to in Para 2, item 1 of the Tariff of Аrbitration Charges and Expenses of the Arbitration Court at EIMA.

Art. 5.Upon failure of one party or both parties from mediation communicated in writing to the Mediation Center at least two days before the scheduled meeting on mediation, the parties returned 50% of the fee paid for mediation with the deposit for expenses except the amounts already spent by the Mediation Center for the preparation of mediation.

The Tariff is adopted by the Management Board of the Association “european institution for mediation and arbitration” (EIMA) with Protocol on 25.09.2013, in force as of 25.09.2013,modified on March 28, 2014 and come into force immediately.and is an integral part of the Conciliation Rules of the Arbitration Court at Association “European Institution For Mediation And Arbitration” (EIMA).